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Engaging Activities






Verb Trainer
The Verb Trainer will provide you with valuable practice in the conjugation of French, Spanish, Italian and German verbs.
The Workouts have been designed to gradually expand your command of a wide range of vocabulary through techniques rooted in memory research.
Boxing Game
The Boxing Game is played under severe time constraints in order to develop speed of recognition ‐ a much needed prerequisite for fluency.
Audio Boxing
The Audio Boxing game was designed to recycle and consolidate the material in the (reading) Boxing Game through the aural medium. The game is played under taxing time constraints in order to promote speed of recognition, which, in turn, contributes to listening fluency.
Sentence Trainer
The Sentence Trainer was designed to recycle and consolidate the language in the Rock Climbing section. Students work on target language using a variety of self-correcting EPI games and activities such as Sentence Puzzle, Gapped Sentences and Delayed Copying.
Rock Climbing
The Rock Climbing Game was designed to develop the language-learner's grasp of how the syntax of the target language works.
Vocab Trainer
The Vocab Trainer recycles and consolidates the same material included in the Audio Boxing and Boxing games through receptive and productive retrieval practice. Its aim is to provide multiple opportunities for meaningful and engaging processing of the target lexical items.
Listening Trainer
The Listening Trainer also consolidates the material included in the Boxing Game section through a sequence of nine EPI listening games/activities, progressively increasing in difficulty.

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